Shoki Barai (暑気払い - Beating the Summer Heat)

Aug 3, 2017 13:15
Yesterday, my colleagues and I conducted "shoki barai" (暑気払い).

"Shoki" of "shoki barai" means "heat," and "harai" means to take something off.

Therefore, "shoki barai" literally refers to taking heat that is accumulated in our bodies off by drinking cold drinks or eating cold food in the hot summer.

However, if you say "shoki barai" in our time, it usually means just a banquet or a drinking party that is held for beating the heat, reducing stress, and relieving fatigue.

As far as I know, beer garden etc. are often planned as the "shoki barai."





No. 1 michael62's correction
  • Shoki Barai (暑気払い - Beating the Summer Heat)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Yesterday, my colleagues and I conducted "shoki barai" (暑気払い).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Shoki" of "shoki barai" means "heat," and "harai" means to take something off.
  • The "shoki" of "shoki barai" means "heat," and "harai" means to take something off.
  • Therefore, "shoki barai" literally refers to taking heat that is accumulated in our bodies off by drinking cold drinks or eating cold food in the hot summer.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, if you say "shoki barai" in our time, it usually means just a banquet or a drinking party that is held for beating the heat, reducing stress, and relieving fatigue.
  • However, if you say "shoki barai" in nowadays, it usually means just a banquet or a drinking party that is held for beating the heat, reducing stress, and relieving fatigue.
  • As far as I know, beer garden etc.
  • (I'm moving this correction to the next "sentence" since Lang8 split them up).
  • are often planned as the "shoki barai."
  • As far as I know, things such as beer gardens etc. are often planned as the "shoki barai."
     We only use "etc." at the end of lists.

    The zoo has many animals: Lions, tigers, etc.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I learned something new :)